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The Effectiveness of Two Stay Two Stray combine with Think Talk Write Method to Improve Students’ Writing Skill.
Siti Julaeha, 14230160, 2018, The Effectiveness of Two Stay Two Stray combine with Think Talk Write Method to Improve Students’ Writing Skill.This research investigates the useof two stay two stray combine with think talk write to improve students’ writing skillon studentsat MTs Negeri 1Serang. The aims of the research are 1) to findout the students’ writing skill, 2) to know the use of teaching two stay two stray combine with think talk write method to improve students’ writing skill.Themethod that usedfor this research is experimental with two classes, called experiment and control class using pre-test and post-test technique. The writer collects the data from 71 students’ spread two classes, one class as the experiment class and another class as control class. The population is the third grade of MTs Negeri 1 Serang, class IX-A 1 as experiment class which consist of 36 students and IX-B 2 as control classwhich consist of 35 students. The writer usesquasi experiment method which the data gatheredthrough pre-test and post-test. Based on result, the average score of experiment class in Pre-Test is 75,72 and 80,91. While, the average score of control class is 72,68 in Pre-Test and 77, 8 in Post-Test. The result shows that the hypothesis value of to is higher than tt(ttable); 2,25 > 1,995. Ha:to > tt : it means that two stay two stray methodhas significant effect on students’ writing skill, sothe null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted.Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the useof two stay twostray technique is effective forlearning process writing text, especially at the third grade of MTsNegeri 1 Serang.
Siti Julaeha - Personal Name
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten
Serang Banten
21,5cm, 28cm, 54hlm