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Grammar Assessment Using the Quizizz Application (A Case Study Class XI at AMK Bina Bangsa Kota Tangerang in Academic Year 2023/2024)

This research aims to analyze how teachers assess students' grammar tests using the Quizizzz application, as well as find out the obstacles students face when doing grammar tests. The method used is a case study, with an interview and questionnaire design for teachers and students. Data analysis in research according to Milles Huberman in 2014 is divided into three procedures, namely data compression, data presentation, and conclusion drawing or verification. This research used English teachers and students of class XI SMK Bina Bangsa as participants. The Researcher found that 100% of teachers agreed with the advantages of using the Quizizz application, it was quite easy and practical for teachers to assess grammar tests using the Quizizz application which was done automatically so it didn't take a lot of time to assess. The Researcher also found four obstacles faced by students, including 53.3% of obstacles to internet access, this occurred due to a lack of adequate facilities either from the school or by the students themselves. Then 50% of students had obstacles with language display, which was due to the students' lack of vocabulary mastery. Furthermore, 46.7% of the obstacles were the lack of question and answer activities between teachers and students, this made it difficult for students to do grammar questions which they considered difficult because during the lesson there was not enough question and answer. Then 43.3% had obstacles using the Quizizzz application, because lack of technological knowledge was an obstacle when doing grammar tests using the Quizizzz application.
Nurul Kholifah - Personal Name
xiv + 64 hlm.; 18 x 25 cm