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AN ERRORS ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH VOWEL PRONUNCIATION (Qualitative Descriptive Analysis at Second Semester English Education Department State Islamic University of Sultan Maulana Hasannudin Banten)
The research is conducted based on the statement of problems. The question of this research is What are the types of pronunciation errors that occur in second semester students of English Education Department at State Islamic University Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten and what causes of errors in English vowels pronunciation of the second semester Department of English Education State Islamic University Sultan Maulana Hasannudin Banten. To answer the question, the researcher used qualitative research by descriptive analysis design as the research method. . The population of this study was the students of second semester English Education Department State Islamic University of Sultan Maulana Hasannudin Banten. Best on the data analysis, the researchers found that 123 times errors most of the participants vowel sound error were made because they have a wrong syllable with their pronunciation, and difficulty in distinguishing original vowel, diphthongs, and triphtongs. The researchers had entered into four types of errors it is substitution with percentage 75% of errors, omission 51% of errors, misordering with percentage 41% of errors and misfornation that the causes of error pronunciation can be linked their first language. The researchers had included categories of the causes of the participants errors it is interference errors, intralingual errors, and development errors.
Zakiah Syafitri - Personal Name
Serang Banten
xi + 60 hlm.; 18 x 25 cm