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The Use of E-Portfolio to Improve Students’ Writing Skill. (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade of MAS Mathla’ul Anwar Pusat Menes)
The objective of this research is to improve students’ writing skill using eportfolio at eleventh grade of MAS Mathla’ul Anwar Pusat Menes. The
subject of this research is the eleventh grade of MAS Mathla’ul Anwar Pusat
Menes. The researcher use Classroom Action Research based on Kurt Lewin
and conducted in two-cycle. In each cycle there are three meetings conducted
step by step. Based on Kurt Lewin’s design, the steps of Action Research are
planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. To analyze the data, the
researcher use qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative data is gathered
from observation, interview, and field notes. Whereas the quantitative data
are obtained from the students’ pre-test and post-test. The result of this study
shows that the use of e-portfolio can improve students’ writing skill. The
result showed there is a significant improvement of students’ writing scores
before and after implementing e-portfolio in writing class. It was proved by
seeing their improvement score on the tests. In the pre-test, the mean score
was 60,52 in which there 4 students or 13% who pass the Minimum Mastery
Criterion. The number was increased in the post-test 1 became 70,74 in
which there 12 students or 39% who pass the Minimum Mastery Criterion.
In the post-test 2, the number grew significanlly became 77,39 in which there
27 students or 87% who pass the Minimum Mastery Criterion. In summary,
the use of e-portfolio is successful in improving students’ writing skill.
SITI ALAWIAH - Personal Name
Serang Banten
xv + 92 hlm.; 18 x 25 cm