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The effectiveness of using Powtoon Media in Teaching Speaking Skill ( A Quasi-Experimental Study at Eighth Grade of MTs Al-Fathaniyah Kota Serang Academy Year 2019/2020)
A paper of English Education Department at the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of The State of Islamic University Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten. Advisers : Dr. Yayu Heryatun, M.Pd, and Tri Ilma Septiana, M.Pd This research investigates the effectiveness use powtoon media in teaching speaking skill. This research was to find out whether teaching speaking by using Powtoon Media can improve students ability. This research used experiment research , it was conducted based main problem, How is the students’ speaking skill before treatment? How is the implementation of Powtoon Media in improving student speaking skill? Is there any significant effect of using Powtoon Media in improving student speaking skill ? the researcher collected data from 65 students that spared into two classes. One class as experimental class and another one is as control class. The researcher used quasi experimental design with use the instruments were three stages are pre-test, treatment, and post-test. Population of the research was the eighth grade of MTs AL-Fathaniyah Kota Serang, academic year 2020/2021. The sample of the the research used class VIII A as experimental research and class VIII C as control class. The result of this research shows that the students speaking ability who used Powtoon Media. The result of the data analysis is using t-test the value is 2.95, the degree of freedom 63. In the degree significant 5%= 1.66 in degree of significance 1% = 2.38. After that the writer compared the data with (t table) both in degree significance 5% and 1%. Therefore 2.95 > 1.66 in degree of significance 5% and 1% 2.95 > 2.38 in degree significance 1% is bigger than 5%. It means there is significance effect of using Powtoon media in teaching speaking skill
Rohmani - Personal Name
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten
Serang Banten
21,5cm, 28cm, 56 hlm