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An Error Analysis Of Students' Writing On Biography (A Study At PBI D Students of IAIN SMH Banten)

This research analyzed the students’ errors in writing biography. The research is conducted based on the statement of problem 1) How is students’ understanding on writing biography ? 2) what are the type of students errors in making biography ? 3) what are the cause of students errors in making biography ? 4) what are the right reconstruction of their writing based on grammatically rules ? This research purpose are : 1) To know the types of errors the students made in a biography 2) to know the cause of errors the students made in a biography 3) to know the right reconstruction of their writing based on grammatically rules. To collect the data, the writer used writing test. Writing test was used for measuring the students’ ability in writing biography and analyzing their errors on composition itself. Based on the result of the research the writer knew that the students were made errorin ommission are 8,3%, in addition are 10,4%, in misformation are 52% and in misordering are 29,1%. It means that the students’ writing ability of students PBI D IAIN SMH Banten made mistake on their composition and grammatical, especially for misformation. More half the students made error in this type. It was happen because their ignorance about tenses in writing biography. They should improve more about tenses, however it is need to be increasedif they want to attend from this type of error. In reference to the result of this study, the writer recommendes that this study, especially the research about various techniques that can improve students’ achievement in learning English.
Idas Ariska - Personal Name
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten
Serang Banten
21,5cm, 28cm, 52 hlm