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The review of augmented reality in teaching writing as a media of study from home (a case study in pandemic situation of eleventh science-3 class)
In this research, the researcher objectively tries to find out the students review on using a new brand innovation of technology namely as the Augmented Reality (AR)in teaching writing at MAN 1 Kab. Tangerang. The researcher took the population of the class eleventh science-3, as it is recommended by the teacher on that school. From that population is taken seven students in order to take their review on the use of AR itself. The research approach as it is using the case study due to the specific case in the pandemic situation. The data collecting procedures are test, as the secondary data to filters the student in conducting the main data which is interview, also to strengthen the result it will be also documented as well. The result of this study showed that there are some magnificent impacts that the students experienced related to this AR. in this case, the researcher found the impact of three aspects, which it is firstly the student review on AR as the media of writing. On this terms, the students felt it has been increased their understanding over the material being taught this case is about writing analytical exposition text and it is also been indicated by some improvements in their writing task. The second, in terms of the applicable of AR in terms of the study from home, on this case the student felt so happy on this AR being applied in their study from home era, which it is more interactive media they experienced. The last but not least, the findings on this research is also about the accessibility of this AR being used in this pandemic situation. On this terms, the students mostly witnessed it is very accessible in this pandemic situation.
Chaerul Hilmi - Personal Name
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten
Serang Banten
21,5cm, 28cm, 73 hlm