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Students’ activities in writing narrative text using digital storytelling (A qualitative research at 9th grade of SMP IT Ar-Raudhah Albantani)
There are many methods that teachers can use to make student learning activities effective and develop their writing skills. One of them is by using digital media storytelling in learning narrative text. Writing is very necessary for students to be able to communicate with other people or make an essay and convey an idea that appears in their head into writing. The application of the digital storytelling method can explore students' writing interest. This study aims to determine the application of the digital storytelling method in students' writing activities. This research uses qualitative methods, the instruments used in this research are document analysis and interviews. Participants in this study were students at 9th grade from SMP IT Arraudhah Al-Bantani. The data collected, compared and analyzed by the author from the results of her research through document analysis and interviews that there are differences in student activities before and after using digital storytelling. From the results of the document analysis that the students did after the author provided the following material, digital storytelling in the form of a video, the students immediately made a story because they already had an overview of the story and how the storyline was. In addition to using document analysis, the author also used an interview instrument with students, and six of the six students answered that students' activities in learning to write narrative text were more effective using digital storytelling, starting from the activeness of students in class, paying more attention because they thought it was interesting because they were supported by pictures and audio, and students can describe and imagine directly of the stories they watch. From document analysis and student answers, it is more comfortable and happy to learn using digital media such as storytelling because it is more fun and students pay more attention so that learning activities in the classroom are conducive and the material is easily conveyed because students are able to accept the lessons they receive.
Dewi Ratna Sumirat - Personal Name
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten
Serang Banten
21,5cm, 28cm, 49 hlm