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Using story telling technique to improve students' speaking skills (A classroom action research at 2nd grade MA Al-Rahmah Walantaka Serang)
One of the techniques used in teaching speaking is storytelling. Storytelling is one of technique that enables the students to understand the story and able to tell the story with their own language development. When the researcherconducted preliminary study in MA Al-Rahmah Walantaka , there were many students who got problem in speaking, The researcher believes that storytelling can make students active. In this technique, the students are given a printed story and asked to tell it in front of the class by their own words. The formulation of the problems is “How can storytelling technique improve speaking skills of the students of MA Al-Rahmah Walantaka Serang?”. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find out how storytelling technique improves speaking skills of the students of MA Al-Rahmah Walantaka Serang. Research method applied in this study is collaborative classroom action research,the setting of this study is at MA Al-Rahmah Walantaka Serang and the subjects of this study are the students of the second year of MA Al-Rahmah Walantaka Serang in the academic year of 2018/ 2019. Meanwhile, the research instruments are observation, questionnaire, and test. The result of data analysis shows that the speaking skills of the students improves after being taught by storytelling technique. From the first cycle by giving test, the researcher found that the speaking ability of the students was quite low. Based on the score of test,the students who got score more or equals to 75 are 6 students and 23 students got less 75, It can be said that the students who passed test of speaking succesfully were 20,7% and 79,3% of the students were failed. It means the score of speaking skills of the students still were under the criteria of success.The target of success is 85% of the students can get speaking score more than or equals to 75 as the minimum standard (SKM). From the result of test from the second cycle showed that the criteria of success could be achieved. There were 25 (86,21%) students who could acieved minimum standard and 4 (13,70%) students were still could not achieve yet.It can be concluded that there was an improvement in speaking skills of the students of MA Al-RahmahWalantaka Serang. The result of questionnaire shows that most of the students are quite interested in implementation of storytelling technique. Those mean that storytelling technique is effective to improve speaking skills of the students of MA Al-Rahmah Walantaka Serang.
Irham Bayquni Ansori - Personal Name
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten
Serang Banten
21,5cm, 28cm, 50 hlm