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Webtoon as pedagogical aplication in immproving student’s reading comprehension of narrative text (An experimental Research at The second grade of Ma Al-Fathaniah)

In this research, the writer did an analysis of quantitative data. The data is obtained by giving test to the experimental class and control class. The test divided two types are pre-test and post-test. Pre-test was given before treatment and post-test was given after treatment. On the test, students choose the correct answer from multiple choice that consists 25 items. The writer identifies some result to find out the effect of webtoon method in improving students’ reading comprehension. They are the score of students before treatment, the score students after treatment and the differences between pre-test and post-test score of students. This research investigates the effectiveness use Webtoon application in teaching reading comprehension. This research was to find out whether teaching reading comprehension by using Webtoon application can improve students ability. This research used experiment research , it was conducted based main problem, how is the students’ reading comprehension before using Webtoon application? How is the reading comprehension of students’ after using webtoon application? the researcher collected data from 60 students that spared into two classes. One class as experimental class and another one is as control class. The researcher used quasi experimental design with use the instruments were three stages are pre-test, treatment, and post-test. Population of the research was the second grade of MA AL-Fathaniyah Kota Serang, academic year 2020/2021. The sample of the the research used class XII A as experimental research and class XII B as control class. The result of this research shows that the students reading comprehension who used Webtoon application. The result of the data analysis The mean (average score) of Pre-test was 53.60. The mean (average score) of post-test in experimental class was 77.47. There was significant difference score between pre-test and post-test at the experimental class by the higgest score was 48 and the lowest was 0. It got the significant improvement after giving treatment using webtoon method, it was seen from the average of the post-test better than pre-test 53,60 < 77,47. The mean (average score) of Pre-test was 58.67. The mean (average score) of Post-test was 66.00. There was significant difference score between pre-test and post-test at the control class by the highest score was 18 and the lowest was -8. It showed the difference result of pre-test and post-test at the control class got the significant improvement after giving treatment without using webtoon, it was seen from the average of the post-test better than pre-test 58,67 < 66,00.
Faiz Naufal Robbani - Personal Name
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten
Serang Banten
21,5cm, 28cm, 50 hlm