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The effectiveness of using Quantum Teaching in teaching writing on procedure text (An experimental research at the eleventh grade of Cahaya Madani Banten Boarding School)

This research investigates the use of quantum teaching technique in writing procedure text. The title of this research paper is “The Effectiveness of Using Quantum Teaching in Teaching Writing on Procedure Text”. The research is conducted based on the statement of problems 1) How is students’ writing ability on procedure text before treatment?, 2)How is the implementation of quantum teaching in teaching eriting on procedure text at the eleventh grade of SMAN Cahaya Madani Banten Boarding School?, 3) Is thare any significant effect of using quantum teaching to improve students writing skills?. Objective of the study 1)To observe the students’ writing skill before treatment. 2)To investigate the implementation quantum teaching applied in teaching writing on procedure text at the eleventh grade of SMAN Cahaya Madani Banten Boarding School. 3) To test the effectiveness of using quantum teaching in teaching writing on procedure text. The method which was used in this research which two classes, callled experiment and control class, the data was collected through pre-test and post-test. From the result calculation above, the researcher obtained some data, the mean of experiment group is 71.1 and the mean of control group is 52.81. besides the value of t-test is 10.9 and t-table is 1.67. moreover, the writer compared tt with t0 on degree of significance 5% and the result showed that t-test bigger than t-table, tt > t0 or 10.9 > 1.67. in brief, from t-test, it can draw a conclusion that Ha or alternative hypothesis is accepted. Meanwhile, H0 or null hypothesis is rejected. In other words, there is significant difference between group which use quantum teaching and group which did not use quantum teaching.
Kiat Zakaria Yahya - Personal Name
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten
Serang Banten
21,5cm, 28cm, 68 hlm