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Teaching vocabulary to young learners using picture books (An experimental research at the fifth grade of SDN TELUK 1 Labuan)
The research investigates the use of Teaching Vocabulary to Young Learners Using Picture Books at the Fifth Grade of SDN TELUK 1 Labuan. The aims of this research were 1) to find out student’s vocabularies mastery at fifth grade of SDN Teluk 1 Labuan, 2) to describe picture books applied in teaching vocabularies at fifth grade of SDN TELUK 1 Labuan, and 3) to find out influence of picture books toward students vocabularies at fifth grade of SDN TELUK 1 Labuan. The method used in this research was quasi experiment with the samples are 40 students. They are divided into two classes, 20 students in experimental class and 20 students in control class. Furthermore, the writer used pre-test and post-test to collect the data. The result showed that the students’ vocabularies which using picture books had better performance than those who had not used picture books. After calculateing the data using t-test, the value of tobservation was 9,3 with the degree of freedom 38 in the degree significance 5% = 2,024 and in degree significance 1% = 2,711. It was found that to > tt = 9,3 > 2,024 in degree significance 5% and to > tt = 9,3 > 2,711 in degree significance 1%. It means the significant effect of using picture books to improve students’ vocabulary.
Nurul Hudayanti - Personal Name
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten
Serang Banten
21,5cm, 28cm, 57 hlm