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The Effect of Learning Cell Toward Students in Reading Comprehension ON Narrative text (A Quasi Experimental Research at the Second Grade Students of SMP Riyadul Mubtadiin Pandeglang)
This research wants to investigates the effect of learning cell toward students in reading comprehension on narrative text. This research is aimed to investigate the effect of learning cell increase students reading comprehension on narrative text of the second grade of SMP Riyadul Mubtadiin who apply learning cell and to find out the students’ reading comprehension on narrative text of the second grade of SMP Riyadul Mubtadiin who do not apply learning cell. The method used in this research is quasi experimental with two classes, called experimental and control class using pre-test and post-test technique. The researcher conducted at SMP Riyadul Mubtadiin Pandeglang from Okto er to Oktober 2019. The researcher collected data from 64 students’ spreading in two classes, one class is as experimental group and another one is as control group by using quasy experimental method. The population was students of the second grade of SMP Riyadul Mubtadiin Pandeglang and the researcher took sample from class A as experimental class and class B as control class. Based on the result of the research that there is significant effect of teaching reading through learning cell towards students’ reading comprehension. According to the data, the value of tobservation is bigger than ttable. tobservation = 5,60 > ttable = 1,66 (5%) or tobservation = 5,60 > 2,38 (1%). It means that Ha (Alternative hypothesis) of research is accepted and Ho (null Hypothesis) is rejected. It is also concluded there is significant difference of teaching reading through learning cell in teaching reading comprehension
Atiah Oktavia - Personal Name
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten
Serang Banten
21.5cm, 28cm, 60hlm