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The effectiveness of Schema Activation Strategy on students reading comprehension of Narrative Text (A quasi experimental Research at the tenth grade of Islamic senior high school 2 Kabupaten Serang-Banten)

This research designed to find out the influence of schema activation strategy on students reading comprehension. The research conducted based on the questions: 1. How is the students’ reading comprehension narrative text of MAN 2 Kabupaten Serang ? 2. How is schema activation strategy applied in teaching reading comprehension narrative text? 3. How is the effect of schema activation strategy in teaching reading narrative text? This research oriented to the following aims: 1. To know the students’ reading comprehension narrative text of MAN 2 Kabupaten Serang; 2.To describe how schema activation strategy applied in teaching reading comprehension narrative text; 3.To know the effect of schema activation strategy on students’ reading comprehension narrative text. The writer used experimental research. To answer the question, the writer collected data from 64 students which were divided in two classes; one class as the experimental class and other one as the control class by applying experimental research. The population was the tenth grade of MAN 2 class X.MIA as an experimental class and X IIS as a control class are taken as the sample. The result of the research shows that the t-test hypothesis compared with t-table 5% of significance level was found ttable1.66 and with 1% significance level was found ttable 2, 38. So the result is tt is 5% < to, or to >tt1%. It is mean that to (t observation) is higher than tt (t table). The result of tt on significant 5% = 1.66 and 1% = 2, 38. It indicates that to> ttor 6,70 >1.66 and 6,70 > 2, 38. So, the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted.
Ela Aftianah - Personal Name
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten
Serang Banten
21.5cm, 28cm, 75hlm