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The effectiveness of using animation movie to improve students writing skill of Narrative Text (An experimental research at the first grade of SMA Negeri 8 Pandeglang)

This research investigated Teaching Writing Narrative Text Using Animation Movie at the first grade students of SMA 8 Pandeglang. The aims of this study were 1) to know the students writing on narrative text in Animation movie 2) to find out the effectiveness of using animation movie in students writing narrative text for the first grade of SMA negeri 8 pandeglang. The method of this research was quantitative method. This research used quasi experimental design with pre-test and post-test.The samples of this research were IPS 5 as experimental class which was taught by Animation Movie and IPA 4 as controlled class which was taught without Animation Movie. Both classes consisted of 25 students. The researcher gave pre-test to both classes before giving treatment and gave post-test after giving treatment. The data obtained from pre-test and post-test were analyzed by using t-test formula to see the effectiveness of using animation movie towards students narrative text. Based on the result, she got score pre-test 64.4 and average score of posttest was 80.4 from experimental class while from control class, the average of pre-test was 56.68 and post-test was 61.28. the result showed that the value of to 12.50 was higher than the value of ttable 2.01 5%. This research showed that the students who used animation movie had better performance in writing than those who had not use animation movie. Keyword: Animation Movie, Teaching Writing, Narrative Text
Amelia Mutiara Pensih - Personal Name
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten
Serang Banten
21.5cm, 28cm, 61hlm