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Using English Songs in Teaching English for Kindergarten” (A Case Study at TK El-Azzam Cikupa Tangerang)
Aida Zakiyah (112301080) “Using English Songs in Teaching English for Kindergarten” (A Case Study at TK El-Azzam Cikupa Tangerang). Research paper, Department of English Educatio, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, University for Islamic Studies, “Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin” Banten. Adviser : Dr. H. Abdul Muin, S.Ag., M.M. and Dr. Hj. Anita, S.S., M.Pd. This research is conducted to investigate the techniques and methods used by the English teacher in TK El-Azzam Tangerang, the materials used to support teaching and learning English, and the student participation in learning English. This research was conducted using qualitative research design, and the instrument used were interview, observation, and document analyses. The findings of this research were (1) the technique and method used by the teacher could attract kindergarten student to learn English well. The teaching technique used by the teacher were singing songs, sensing using pictures card to explain the material imitating the teacher pronounciation, drilling the student pronounciation, sing test to the students; (2) the supporting materials to teach the kindergarten student were textbooks and pictures series or student handbooks and real object. In conclusion, the use of picture card and songs are helpful the teacher to attract the students and make the class more fun. Besides, applying the appropriate methods and techniques in teaching English can achieve the target in teaching English for kindergarten students. The researcher suggest that further study analysis the technique of teaching English using story telling or short movie to enrich kindergarten students vocabulary. Keyword :English songs, motivation, young learners, culture, foreign language learning.
Aida Zakiyah - Personal Name
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten
Serang Banten
21.5cm, 28cm, 58hlm