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Error Analysis On Some Fricative Consonant Performed By Fifth Semester Students With Sundanese Background (A Case Study At The English Education Department UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanudin Banten Academic Year 2018/2019)
Maulidia Zadittaqwa. 152301776. 2018. Error Analysis On Some Fricative Consonant Performed By Fifth Semester Students With Sundanese Background (A Case Study At The English Education Department UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanudin Banten Academic Year 2018/2019) This research aims to find out the common mistakes commonly found in Sundanese students in the English Education Department in the 2018/2019 academic year in attending the pronunciation course, in pronouncing a fricative sounds. The reseacher focuses on the fifth smester students who has Sundanese cultural background to know their accuracy in pronouncing some fricative’s words. The data was collected by giving 18 word tests to 15 participants, the reseacher uses qualitative method on writing her paper. The researcher also analyzes the collected data through descriptive analysis technique in order to reach the objective of the research. The reseacher involves herself to collect data by observing the participants, recording their pronunciation and analyzing the error on their pronunciation based on theories of characteristics of fricative consonants sound which are taken from some relevant references. On the conclusion, the reseacher finds that Sundanese students of English Education Department of UIN SMH Banten are made some error on their pronunciation. Error of omission and error of addition are found on the vowels and consonant sound except the fricatives sound. While error of selection, is occurred both on the fricatives sound and the rest of sound. The reseacher also finds that overgeneralization is one of the reasons why the Sundanese student made errors on their pronunciation. Key words: error analysis, Sundanese, pronunciation, fricatives sound
Maulidia Zadittaqwa - Personal Name
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten
Serang Banten
21.5cm, 28cm, 76hlm