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The Occurrence of Code-Switching on WhatsApp Group Application by EFL Learners’(A Case Study on The Eight Semester Students of English Department at The State Islamic University of Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten)

Siti Aulia Nur Annisa. 152301925. 2019. “The Occurrence of Code-Switching on WhatsApp Group Application by EFL Learners’(A Case Study on The Eight Semester Students of English Department at The State Islamic University of Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten)”. This research in conducted to investigate the linguistic phenomenon about the occurrence of code-switching on whatsapp group application at The State Islamic University of Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten. The reseach is conducted based on some problems: 1) What are the types of codeswitching used in Sharing WhatsApp group Application by EFL learners? 2) What are the reasons for EFL learners do codeswitcing in WhatsApp group Application? The researcher collected the data uses two instruments. They are observation and questionnaires. The observation through captures of screen whatsapp group chats. The group consist of 136 students. Further, the questionnaire conducted from 40 students. Additionally, the result of the research shows that there are three types of codeswitching occurs in group WhastApp. Certainly, tag-switching 6%, intra-sentential switching 71%, inter-sentential switching 23% . There’re more than one reasons from each respondent. One respondent has several answers and the same answer. Moreover, the most frequent reason arises from 40 respondents answer are being emphatic about something, real lexical need, lack of facility, lack of registal competence. 39 give reasons that they talk about particular topics. Further, quote somebody else and habitual expressions are 20 respondents. Interjection; inserting sentence filler or sentence connector and communicative efficiency and mood of speakers are 10 respondents. Repetition used for clarifications are 17 respondents. To amplify and emphazise a point are 16 respondents from 40 respondents. Keyword: Code-switching, WhatsApp, A qualitative research
Siti Aulia Nur Annisa - Personal Name
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten
Serang Banten
21.5cm, 28cm, 47hlm