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Developing Critical Thinking Skill Through Integrative Teaching Of Descriptive Writing

RIAN FENRIANDI, NIM 102300855, 2018, title of paper: “Developing Critical Thinking Skill Through Integrative Teaching Of Descriptive Writing.

This research investigates the effectiviness of developing critical thinking skill in writing descriptive text. The research is conducted based on the statement of problems 1) How is the critical thinking applied on descriptive writing. 2) How is effect of critical thinking on students’ descriptive writing.And this research aimed are 1) To know how the critical thinking is applied on descriptive writing. 2) To know how critical thinking effect on students’ descriptive writing ability..
To answer the research question, the researcher takes class APK 2, as experimental class which consist of 30 students, and class APK 1 as control class which also consist of 30 students. The class APK 2 as experimental class and APK 1 as control class are taken as sample. Since the research uses experimental method, the data is gathered through pre-test and post-test.
From the calculation above There is the effectiveness of developing critical thinking skill on students’ ability in writing descriptive text for the 2nd grade of SMK N 1 Cinangka. Based on the analysis of the data that we have ready known that the average score of to = 8.82 is bigger than tt= 2.00 and 2,65 with level significant of 5% or 1%. Since the to is bigger than tt,.so there is effectiveness of teaching students’ ability in writing descriptive text by developing critical thinking skill.
In reference to the result of study, the writer recomends that this study, especially the research about personality that can support students in learning English, needs to be built both by the student and the teacher in order to increase students’ motivation in Learning English

RIAN FENRIANDI - Personal Name
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten
Serang Banten
21.5cm, 28cm, 61hlm