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The implementation of mind mapping technique to improve students speaking skill” ( A Classroom Action Research at The seventh grade in MTs At-Toyibah Curuglemo)

TATI RAHMAWATI. 142301631. 2018, “ The implementation of mind mapping technique to
improve students speaking skill” ( A Classroom Action Research at The seventh grade in MTs
At-Toyibah Curuglemo)
The writer investigated the implementation of mind mapping to improve students
speaking skill. The researcher conducted based on the main problems, 1) How Is the
students’ speaking skill at MTs At-Toyibah? 2) How is the mind mapping technique
applied in teaching speaking skill at MTs At-Toyibah? The objectives of the research for to
find out the students speaking skill at At-Toyibah Junior High School and to describe the
process teaching used mind mapping technique in teaching speaking skill at At-Toyibah
Junior High School. This research use a classroom action research. The research was
conducted in two cycles and covered plan, action, observing, and reflection. the subject
were 31 students of class VII MTs At-Toyibah Curuglemo in the academic year 2017/2018.
In this research, the individual criteria of success was 73.
The result of the research showed that there were some improvements in the student’s
speaking achievement. In first Cycle, the highest score was 88, the lowest score was 56 and
average of students’ score was 71,7, for the second cycle the highest score was 100, the
lowest score was 76 and the average of the students’ score was 80,9. It showed that there
was significant improvement of students’ skill in speaking. Learning from the result, it can
be concluded that the students’ speaking skill can be improved by using mind mapping
technique. Therefore, there must be other research need to bee conducted in the classroom
action research. However, the mind mapping technique can be a very useful instructional
strategy as a teaching media when it is used effectively. It may refresent as a better strategy
if it is compared with other teaching media.
TATI RAHMAWATI. - Personal Name
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten
Serang Banten
21.5cm, 28cm, 68hlm