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The Effectiveness of Using Scaffolding Technique in Teaching Writing on Descriptive Text (An Experimental Research at the Seventh Grade of MTs MII Cidangiang Pandeglang)

Friska Nurbayani, 142301686, 2018, “The Effectiveness of Using Scaffolding Technique in Teaching Writing on Descriptive Text (An Experimental Research at the Seventh Grade of MTs MII Cidangiang Pandeglang)

This research conducted based on the main problems 1). How is the
student’s ability in writing descriptive text? 2). How is the effectiveness
of scaffolding technique in teaching writing on descriptive text?. This
research is oriented to the following aims, 1). To know students’
writing ability in descriptive text, 2). To know the effectiveness of
using scaffolding technique in teaching writing on descriptive text. To
answer the questions, the researcher used quantitative research by
implementing quasi experimental design as the research method. The
population of this study was the students of the seventh grade of MTs
MII Cidangiang Pandeglang. The sample was divided into two groups,
control group and experimental group. There were 25 students in
control group and 25 students in experimental group. The experimental
group was taught by using scaffolding technique and control group
taught without it. After conducting the treatments and evaluating the
result of both pre-test and post-test, the researcher found that there was
significant effect of using scaffolding technique toward students’
writing skill on descriptive text. After collecting and calculating the
data from 50 students’ spread two classes, class VII A as the
experimental class and class VII C as control class. The result shows
that the hypothesis value of to is higher than tt (ttable);
3,89 > 1,67 or t observation 3,89 > 2,40, so the null hypothesis (H0) is
rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. It means that
scaffolding technique has significant effect on students’ writing ability
on descriptive text.

Friska Nurbayani - Personal Name
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten
Serang Banten
21.5cm, 28cm, 62hlm