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The Effectiveness of Using Authentic Material in Learning English Conditional Sentences (A Quasi Experimental Research at The Eleventh Grade of MAN Kabupaten Tangerang)

Yanah Alfianah. 132301559. 2018. The Effectiveness of Using Authentic Material in Learning English Conditional Sentences (A
Quasi Experimental Research at The Eleventh Grade of MAN Kabupaten Tangerang).

This research is conducted based on the main problems: 1)
How is the using of authentic material in learning English
conditional sentences at the eleventh grade of MAN 3 Kabupaten
Tangerang ? 2) Is there any effect of using authentic material in
learning English conditional sentences at the eleventh grade of
MAN 3 Kabupaten Tangerang ? In the reference to the research
problem, the aim research: 1) To know authentic material can
improve student’s ability in learning conditional sentences at the
eleventh grade of MAN Kabupaten Tangerang. 2) To know the
effectiveness of authentic material in learning English conditional
sentences, who use conditional sentence knowing whether the
students taught have better understanding of using authentic
material in learning conditional sentences than those who are taught
non authentic material.
To answer questions. The writer collects data from 64
student’s spares in two classes, one class as the experimental class
and another one as control group, by applying experimental
research method. The population is the eleventh of MAN 3
Kabupaten Tangerang, while class XI IPS 2 as the experimental
class and XI IPS 1 as the control class are taken as samples. The
writer uses true experimental method and the data is gathered
through pre-test and post-test technique. This research involves 64
students as sample among second class in year 2018 as population.
The result of the research show that the hypothesis, which
states there is difference of learning English conditional sentences
using authentic material is better than those who do not use
authentic material.
In reference to the result of the study, the writer
recommends that this study, specially the result about various
method that can develop student’s learning English conditional
sentences. Thus, further research is suggested to conduct the
investigation of other teaching method that can be applied by
teacher to encourage their student’s in learning English conditional
Yanah Alfianah - Personal Name
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten
Serang Banten
21.5cm, 28cm, 53hlm